It’s always customary for celebrities to show up to events with their wives or girlfriends. For the longest time, Top Gear’s former host Jeremy Clarkson always pulled up with his ex-wife Frances Cain. However, did you know that he was previously married to another woman named Alexandra James, who left him for his best friend?
So who exactly is this shadowy woman? And why did he try to silence her when she tried to speak up about their love affair? Read on further to get the full gist of Jeremy Clarkson’s first wife, Alexandra James, as well as what she’s doing now.
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Who is Jeremy Clarkson’s first wife Alexandra James?
Alexandra James is an English born mother of two and entrepreneur currently living in the UK. While there isn’t much to rant on her parents purely because she has chosen to keep it that way, her upbringing has a tale of its own.
For starters, she was raised in a convent and educated in the Christian faith. As she grew older, she realized she had a bit of entrepreneurial spirit in her and chose to pursue it. At the age of 19, she set up her first company with three offices offering flexible secretarial services. However, when the chance arose for her to become a mother at age 27, she gave up on her independent career and sold off the premises.
Post-divorce to her second husband, Stephen Hall, she knew she had to provide for her kids as a single mother and got a job at a local pub. The hours were flexible from 11 am to 3 pm, giving her just about enough time to pick the kids from school. Years later, she ventured back into entrepreneurship and started her own company, The Big O – a company selling packaged premium olives to bars.
At one moment in time, Jeremy Clarkson’s first wife Alexandra James went as far as Barcelona in such for investors. She even appeared in Dragons Den hoping to score the same but ended up tanking her entire presentation. Eventually, she found her way up and brought the business to life. You can read all about it here.
Alexandra James’s Marriage Marriage life as Jeremy Clarkson’s Wife.
Before Frances Cain, Alexandra James was the first Mrs. Petrolhead. She met Jeremy at the age of 17 and dated him for about seven years before they wed in 1989. After their marriage, the couple led a simple life and shared a one-bedroom flat. However, six months into the relationship, she dumped him for his best friend, Stephen Hall.
She Dumped Clarkson and Married Stephen Hall.
Alexandra’s described her relationship with her husband as more brother and sister. Somewhere along the line, he started smoking, and the love died. By 1993, she had already married Stephen Hall and went on to have two kids with him.
Over the course of her marriage to Stephen Hall, the mother of two came to regret her decision to divorce Clarkson. One was because his career was going on great as per his newfound while the other reason was because of her ex’s marriage to Francie Cain. To make matters worse, she’s the one who introduced her to him.
By 2001, she had separated from her Stephen Hall and started on a seven-year-long affair with Clarkson.
When rumors of the TV star Jeremy embroiled in affairs with other women also surfaced, she too wanted to speak out about her experience. However, Clarkson stopped her in her tracks by filing an injunction against revealing their personal life together.
Mrs. Hall had even gone to the lengths of cutting a deal with renowned journalist Max Clifford to turn her story into a book. There were even talks of turning it into a movie, but that never happened.
By the time Clarkson revoked the court order, the time had already passed, Cain had already separated from him, and Clifford was behind bars on some sexual charges.
Where is Jemery Clarkson’s first wife Alexandra James now? What is she doing?
The mother of two will forever be tied to Jeremy Clarkson as his first wife. Even with Cain’s divorce, columnists still approached her to get her opinion on the matter.
Having been Clarkson’s first wife, she sympathized with his second wife and took her side in the divorce battle. With the kids all grown up now, Mrs. Hall is currently focused on running her company and other small business.
Social Media activities.
With all the buzz she’s picked up over the years, Jeremy Clarkson’s ex-wife is not one to network on social media. We currently have no leads on her any of her Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram handles.