Rust Valley Restorers is a Canadian-based reality show that follows a handful of car enthusiasts. These include mechanics such as Mike Hall, Avery Shoaf, and Sarah Ward. The team, who are based in the Rocky Mountains, find, and restore abandoned vehicles. Rust Valley Restorers first aired on the 6th of December 2018 on the History Channel.
Throughout the show’s run, they have worked on classic vehicles like a 1966 Lincoln Ragtop convertible, 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger, and even a 1966 Beaumont Sport Deluxe. Here’s what we know about the new season.
Rust Valley Restorers Season 4 Release Date
Most fans were relieved to learn that the History Network had greenlit a fourth season of the Rust Valley Restorers. It wasn’t surprising, especially since the show has an impressive 7.7/10 rating. The next question fans asked was when the 4th season would air. This was after the third season had wrapped up back on the 6th of May 2021.
We finally have an answer. Reliable sources claim that the show would make its return on the 25th of February 2022. Interestingly, some other sources claim that the fourth season would air in the 2nd half of 2022. In truth, this would stay in line with the past three season schedules.
Where to Watch
The show is available on platforms like Netflix, which, anyone can access. Additionally, you can also watch the Rust Valley Restorers on other movie streaming websites including motortrends.